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Pokémon Rumble
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Description - Japanese Passwords - North American Passwords - European Passwords - Story/Information - Features - Screenshots

Melee! Pokemon Scramble codes are announced in various media outlets and can be used to unlock special Pokemon. To use the code, visit the terminal and go to the "Unknown Recruiting" house (Red Building) and enter a code to unlock a Pokemon.

Japanese Passwords:

Password Pokémon Attack Code Obtained from: Day Announced Image
2110-9011 Daisuki Club Pikachu Volt Tackle (ボルテッカー) Pokémon Daisuki Club 2009-06-16 pic
9236-7400 Daisuki Club Bibarel Rollout (ころがる) Pokémon Daisuki Club 2009-06-16 pic
3884-9402 Alternate Colored Rattata Reversal (きしかいせい) & Double-Edge (すてみタックル) Official Website 2009-06-16 pic
5873-1954 Eevee Quick Attack (でんこうせっか) Official Website 2009-06-16 pic
8106-8836 Daisuki Club Zapdos Drill Peck (ドリルくちばし) Pokémon Daisuki Club 2009-06-16 pic
6614-0248 Daisuki Club Mew Cut (いあいぎり) Pokémon Daisuki Club 2009-06-16 pic
1923-1298 Daisuki Club Cherrim Solar Beam (ソーラービーム) Pokémon Daisuki Club 2009-06-16 pic
6295-6406 Ninetales Safeguard (しんぴのまもり) & Fire Blast (だいもんじ) Japanese Pokémon Centres 2009-06-16 pic
9966-1569 Rotom ThunderShock (でんきショック) World Hobby Fair 2009-06-20 pic
0331-4118 Intelligence Department Chimchar Ember (ひのこ) Pokémon Sunday 2009-06-20 pic
9600-4319 Charizard Flamethrower (かえんほうしゃ) Nintendo DS Dengeki August Issue 2009-06-21 pic
7702-2229 Leafeon Razor Leaf (はっぱカッター) Famitsu DS + Wii August Issue 2009-06-21 pic
9986-3607 PokéSun Probopass Magnet Bomb (マグネットボム) Pokémon Sunday 2009-06-28 pic
7653-3521 PokéSun Parasect X-Scissor (シザークロス) Pokémon Sunday 2009-07-04 pic
2405-3396 PokéSun Snorlax Belly Drum (はらだいこ) Pokémon Sunday 2009-07-11 pic
7837-7094 Sky Forme Shaymin Seed Flare (シードフレア) Pokémon Sunday 2009-07-11 pic
3421-4198 Giratina Shadow Force (シャドーダイブ) Pokémon Sunday 2009-07-18 pic
9338-1684 PokéSun Vaporeon Surf (なみのり) Pokémon Sunday 2009-07-18 pic
9266-8795 Togekiss Air Slash (エアスラッシュ) Dengeki Nintendo DS September Issue 2009-07-21 pic
0752-0878 Regigigas Giga Impact (ギガインパクト) Dengeki Nintendo DS Special Summer Pamphlet 2009-07-21 pic
3111-7449 Electivire Discharge (ほうでん) Famitsu DS + Wii September Issue 2009-07-21 pic
1770-0982 Knock Out Bidoof Superpower (ばかぢから) & Hyper Fang (ひっさつまえば) Pokemon Festa 2009 Pamphlet 2009-07-24 pic
5958-6223 Magmortar Lava Plume (ふんえん) Pokemon Festa 2009 Pamphlet 2009-07-24 pic
9965-2344 PokéSun Weavile Night Slash (つじぎり) Pokemon Sunday 2009-07-26 pic
3376-0940 Dragonite Dragon Rush (ドラゴンダイブ) Famitsu August 2009 Weeks 14, 21, 28 2009-07-31 pic
6998-4642 Mood Maker Pikachu Thunderbolt (10まんボルト) & Quick Attack (でんこうせっか) Famitsu August 2009 Weeks 14, 21, 28 2009-07-31 pic
9721-3750 Director Lucario Brick Break (かわらわり) Pokemon Sunday 2009-08-01 pic
6106-1639 PokéSun Jibacoil Thunderbolt (10まんボルト) Pokemon Sunday 2009-08-09 pic
2219-8658 PokéSun Kabarudon Earthquake (じしん) Pokemon Sunday 2009-08-16 pic
1824-8991 Gablias Dragon Claw (ドラゴンクロー) Dengeki Nintendo DS 2009-08-21 pic
6750-2839 PokéSun Gyarados Waterfall (たきのぼり) Pokemon Sunday 2009-08-22 pic
8379-5196 PokéSun Dotakun Hypnosis (さいみんじゅつ) Pokemon Sunday 2009-08-30 pic
8473-9946 Glacia Icy Wind (こごえるかぜ) Official Website 2009-10-21 pic
7213-6317 Gonbe Tackle (たいあたり) Famitsu DS + Wii 2009 December Issue 2009-10-21 pic
9465-8823 ムードメーカー ライチュウ (Mood Maker Raichu) Thunder (かみなり) & Agility (こうそくいどう) Nintendo Channel - Pokemon Sunday 2009-11-18 pic

North American Passwords:

Password Pokémon Attack Code Obtained from: Day Announced Image
1589-3955 Venusaur SolarBeam Nintendo Power 2009-11-13 pic
7540-5667 Cherrim Positive Forme SolarBeam Nintendo World 2009-11-16 pic
0511-0403 Eevee Quick Attack Instruction Manual 2009-11-16 pic
9580-1423 Blastoise Aqua Tail Nintendo Week 2009-11-16 pic
9561-8808 Mew Cut Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-16 pic
8672-1076 Turtwig Razor Leaf
IGN 2009-11-16 pic
7968-4528 Charizard Flamethrower Club Nintendo 2009-11-18 pic
9849-3731 Speedy Rattata Reversal
Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-21 pic
8322-3706 Giratina Origin Forme Shadow Force Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-21 pic
5468-6284 Sky Forme Shaymin Seed Flare Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-21 pic
5575-2435 Gutsy Bidoof Superpower
Hyper Fang
Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-21 pic
6824-2045 Hardy Squirtle Bubble Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-21 pic
7927-6161 Punchy Charmander Ember Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-21 pic
8109-8384 Chimchar Ember & Fury Swipes IGN 2009-11-26 pic
9900-2455 Piplup Bubble & Pound IGN 2009-11-30 pic

European Passwords:

Password Pokémon Attack Code Obtained from: Day Announced Image
5221-1368 Mew Cut Official Website 2009-11-16 pic
5631-9548 Eevee Quick Attack Instruction Manual 2009-11-20 pic
6838-5121 Sky Forme Shaymin Seed Flare Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-30 pic
6921-0136 Brawny Bulbasaur Vine Whip Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-30 pic
5982-9039 Punchy Charmander Ember Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-30 pic
1250-2002 Hardy Squirtle Bubble Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-30 pic
3280-5739 Giratina Origin Forme Shadow Force Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-11-05 pic
0215-3612 Speedy Rattata Reversal
Pokémon Rumble Official Website 2009-12-18 pic

This page has been viewed 69437 times.
Last updated 13 Sep 2014 14:00 by Sunain.
Revision #86
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